Collection: ÆSTETIK

Emmaline Johansson's Men's Collection 2022 - AESTHETICS!

This collection is created for men, where the inspiration is found in nature and its wonderful creations and creation!

The name AESTHETICS has been chosen because the collection must stir your emotions, senses and sensations'. "AESTHETICS: ('sensation', 'sense', 'emotion') is the philosophical study of the essence of art". And you must experience the art through the jewellery!

The collection is exclusively produced in Gilded 925s Sterling Silver and 925s Sterling Silver. Bib locks are used throughout this collection, and will make your task of putting on and taking off the jewelery easier!

In addition, freshwater pearls are a consistent element in the collection, a natural element if you will, and these pearls must stir your emotions!

Feel them, experience them, WEAR THEM!